Women in Information and Computing Sciences (WICS)


8 May 2024
BBG 2.01

WICS&DC Event on Belonging

In this joint WICS and the ICS Diversity Committee event, Dr. Jenny Veldman will give a talk on the topic of belonging Wednesday, May 8th, between 12.00-13:00.

Do I belong here? The importance of belonging, why we sometimes don’t feel it, and how to be your authentic self at work
The university loses a lot of talent when academics drop out because they do not feel at home or like they “fit in” in their workplace or in academia more generally. This talk will discuss the importance of feeling a sense of belonging at work, and the factors that influence this sense of belonging. Factors such as the dominant organizational climate at work and the traditional culture of academia focused on brilliance, competition, and individual achievements will be discussed. Attendees are invited to reflect on personal experiences with feeling (a lack of) fit or belonging, what changes are needed to be their authentic self at work, and what they can do to achieve this and contribute to a more inclusive and supportive academic work climate.