Women in Information and Computing Sciences (WICS)


6 March 2024
Minnaert Mezzanine

WICS&DC event on Vulnerability

WICS and the ICS Diversity Committee organizes an event on Wednesday, March 6th, from 12.00-13:00 for a discussion on the topic of vulnerability. The discussion is open to all staff members and will be a bring-your-own-lunch-style meeting. We will start with a short presentation on Brené Brown’s research and then open the floor to everyone.

Embracing Vulnerability in the Workplace: Insights from Brené Brown’s Research

Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston and best-selling author, has pioneered groundbreaking work on the power and importance of vulnerability. Through her extensive research, Brown has revealed that vulnerability isn’t about weakness but rather about the courage to show up and be seen, even when there are no guarantees. It’s the birthplace of love, belonging, creativity, and innovation.

In today’s dynamic work environment, fostering vulnerability is not just beneficial but essential. Vulnerability can tear down walls of mistrust, foster genuine connections, and spur innovative thinking. This get-together session aims to delve deep into the essence of vulnerability, as portrayed in Brown’s research, and how it plays a pivotal role in the workplace.